Spiritual Growth, Inspirational
BY: Roy Adams
SYNOPSIS: We know how the story ends—we stand before the throne of God on a sea of glass, with voices upon voices of redeemed ones singing 100 billion stanzas of a song of joy.But we’re not there yet.God’s people—pilgrims—are still finding their way through a mad world, navigating the chaos of militant atheism, evolutionary theory, lies dressed as doctrine, confusion, and the pain of loss and suffering. We are haunted by the ever-present question: How do we make it from where we are now to the glory of the unveiled presence of God? And furthermore, why are we still here? Where is our rescue?And yet the hope that lights our way never flickers. Within the pages of this book you’ll find important briefings for pilgrims—inspiration for the quest, course corrections, and peace that defies explanation as we continue looking for a city.
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